
Advanced Ablative CO2 Laser Treatments to Revitalize Your Skin in Madison, WI

Cartessa Aesthetics’ CoolPeel at Madison, WI’s Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center is a powerful, revolutionary ablative laser that uses the Smartxide Tetra laser system to provide healthier and younger-looking skin by reducing wrinkles and other concerns. The treatment itself and recovery are very quick. It provides the same transformative results associated with traditional laser treatments but with minimal downtime and discomfort.

Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center

Contact Madison's Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center. Call 608.240.0088 or send a message online.

What is CoolPeel?

CO2 or carbon dioxide laser resurfacing can address numerous cosmetic and medical skin issues. These treatments use targeted pulses of laser light to remove the outer layer of the skin or epidermis. When the beams of light penetrate the skin’s surface, the water in the skin cells absorbs them, causing the superficial layer of skin to be vaporized. The damaged skin tissue is removed while collagen production is stimulated, and heat energy promotes skin tightening. Firmer and smoother skin replaces the older layers as the skin heals.

CoolPeel is a safe, effective treatment that provides the benefits of a traditional CO2 laser treatment while minimizing heat trauma. When the water molecules in the skin are heated, this triggers the skin’s natural healing response to regenerate new collagen and elastin.

What sets this revolutionary, fractional ablative laser treatment apart from other CO2 lasers is the fact that energy can be delivered for superficial skin resurfacing without causing lingering heat that might damage the surrounding skin – the lack of excessive heat is how CoolPeel gets its name. It provides the optimal level of ablation with minimal thermal damage to surrounding areas. This breakthrough laser technology is safe for the face, along with other areas of the body such as the hands, décolleté, and back. Its high energy, short pulse technology maximizes results with less downtime compared to traditional CO2 laser treatments.

CoolPeel and DEKA are two components of the SmartXide system. The CoolPeel setting is designed for lighter treatments while the DEKA setting offers a deeper, more aggressive treatment that is ideal for targeting deeper wrinkles while stimulating firming and tightening of the skin. Although not every patient will need or want both types of treatments, patients also have the option of adding CoolPeel on top of the deeper DEKA setting on the same area to get the benefit of both procedures. The intensity, depth, and shape of the laser energy can be customized to optimize results while reducing downtime. We can choose the right CoolPeel setting for each patient based on their specific needs.

Are CoolPeel Treatments Right for You?

This treatment can address a variety of concerns. Anyone who is hoping to improve the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture could be a good candidate for CoolPeel. This treatment can reveal more radiant and youthful-looking skin. DEKA CO2 treatments can not only treat superficial concerns but also offer additional rejuvenation benefits, such as addressing skin laxity, scarring, and deeper wrinkles or folds.

What to Expect During a CoolPeel Session

Though patients often will not need it, we can offer numbing cream or cold air to ensure that your laser treatment is as comfortable as possible. It will typically take around fifteen to thirty minutes for a full-face treatment to be completed. However, a more intense CO2 laser treatment may take longer.

What to Expect After a CoolPeel Session.

Patients can expect a mild burning sensation that lasts from forty-five minutes to an hour and a half after treatment. Moreover, you may experience redness, mild swelling, and warmth in your skin for a minimum of twenty-four to forty-eight hours after a CoolPeel session. It will be safe to resume most normal activities, but you should avoid exercise, activities that involve direct sun exposure, and exposure to hot tubs and saunas. Patients will notice some instant aesthetic improvements and results will evolve within several days. You can expect to have fully healed within one week. A rough, sandpapery skin texture may persist for ten to fourteen days. If CoolPeel is combined with a more aggressive laser such as DEKA or other laser modalities, you can expect increased downtime.

How Many CoolPeel Treatments Will I Need?

For optimal CoolPeel results, the majority of patients will need two to four treatments spaced four to twelve weeks apart. The number of CoolPeel treatments you need will depend on your skin condition and desired results. To maintain the best results, we recommend continuing a good, consistent skincare routine and healthy lifestyle.

Which Other Lasers, Lights, or Other EnergyBased Treatments Are Available?

We provide a variety of lasers and lights to address cosmetic concerns. ClearSkin Pro laser by Alma® is a fractional, non-ablative laser skin resurfacing treatment that makes your skin look smoother, clearer, and more youthful. Unlike CoolPeel, ClearSkin Pro penetrates the deep layers of skin while leaving the surface intact. We also provide the Q-Switched ClearLift Pro Nd:YAG 1064nm laser modality for superficial or deep pigmented lesions and melasma. LaseMD Ultra™ is a non-ablative, fractional resurfacing that stimulates tissue regeneration. IPL (intense pulsed light therapy) with the Iris Dye-VL component of Alma Harmony is a light-based treatment that enhances the color and texture of your skin. This treatment improves pigmented and vascular disorders. The Neo Elite by Aerolase, a versatile 1064 nanometer Nd:YAG laser, is commonly used for acne treatment and laser vein treatment at our practice. It can also address an extensive variety of other cosmetic concerns. Sofwave™, which is an ultrasound-based device, promotes collagen production to provide a lifting and tightening effect for the face.

Can CoolPeel and DEKA CO2 Be Combined with Other Treatments?

CoolPeel and DEKA can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to maximize results and sometimes these can be done on the same day. The best combination depends on your specific goals. CoolPeel is commonly done in conjunction with intense pulsed light (IPL), ClearSkin 1540nm laser skin resurfacing, Sofwave™, and HydraFacial®. Various energy-based treatments can be combined, depending on the needs of the patient. Each treatment is customized to the patient’s needs.

Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center

Contact Madison's Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center. Call 608.240.0088 or send a message online.

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Radiance Skin Therapy & Laser Center

2501 W Beltline Hwy, Suite 111,
Madison WI 53713
PHONE: 608-240-0088

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